November 8 2024

Blue Shackles: A world we cannot destroy

To the artists, the female body, like the world, is full of contradictions.

Featuring Blue Shackles Written by Seven Xu & Qiuyun Chen

Blue Shackles is a collaborative art installation initiated by five queer artists and created with the contribution of over 20 women. They refer to themselves as "exiles at the edge of the framework." "Blue is the crazy accident where emptiness meets fire. The free territories of the world are shrinking, and what remains is divided into unfreedom and relative unfreedom." Queer artists have depicted "blue" with cruel words, and they also respond with equal cruelty through their body installation: as sexual minorities, as women, as outsiders, they have no stories written about them, but they invite the public to experience pain, bondage, and indulgence.

These queer artists use blue ropes to create a cruel world: entangled, dense, and inescapable. But in their view, the real world is even crueler—heavier, more painful, and harder to imagine piercing through with one's body. "As a woman, you are taught from born to be obedient, stable, self-sacrificing, and faithful. You are groomed to become a wife, a supporting character, a comforter. You must not be curious, lustful, ambitious, or emotionally unstable. If something pleases you, it is likely deemed absurd, indecent, rebellious, and something to be restrained. It is sinful." To the artists, the female body, like the world, is full of contradictions.

In Blue Shackles, steel frames are tightly wrapped in desire-laden ropes—threatening, chaotic, and on the verge of collapse. These moral frameworks stand tall like beacons in the desert, yet they also serve as whips for others. One can sense their magnitude, like a sandstorm overturning everything, yet constantly shifting and leaving no refuge. Desire flows through "them," and "they" flow through the body. But in the simulated world of the Black Rock City desert, in this void built by a group of idealists, people can see its structure and traverse its texture. With bare feet and skin, they pass through the mirrored walls of this world. The binding ropes will sting, cutting into the skin, and yet, as the pain becomes more intense, it thickens into something like a blanket. As the blue lines in the installation bind participants, they will witness—those blue lines strangely transform into a form of wrapping, a form of comfort!

Women, from all corners of the wilderness, from the cracks in the oppressive social structure, step into the blue web, like children embarking on countless journeys from the sea of desire within their hearts, navigating fog filled with reefs and barriers. As they pass through the mist of extinction and revelry, they witness weeds reborn, the ground and seabed inverted, and the suffocating storm pressing down. Their skin and soul become one with the dense forest of desire, and a painful yet strange light emerges from the darkness. They see glowing orbs, floating above their heads, within their bodies. Like the grains of light from a lighthouse in the fog, these orbs are elusive yet unmistakably reflect the universe’s forests and storms. Sometimes, these orbs become a part of themselves—forever rolling, forever escaping, never to be confined, so small yet so profound.

The creators say: "We invite you to bravely join this game. In this eternal blue forest, one day we will forget the terror of confinement and fully immerse ourselves in this crazy contradiction. We will adventure alongside our glowing orbs—they are light, they are fire. That world we cannot destroy will ultimately become our eternal paradise."

All images courtesy of Blue Shackles

This article is originally written in Chinese, Mandarin:

束缚之莲: 一个我们不能改变的世界


Featuring Blue Shackles Written by Seven Xu & Qiuyun Chen


酷儿艺术家们用蓝色绳索构建了一个残酷的世界:纠缠、密集、无处可逃。而在她们眼中,现实的世界比这个虚构的世界更为厚重、痛苦,甚至难以想象可以凭借身体穿透它。“你是一个女人,从小就被教导要顺从、稳定、善于牺牲、从一而终。你要成为妻子、配角、安抚者,绝不可表现出好奇心、淫荡、野心勃勃或情绪多变。如果某样东西让你感到愉悦,那或许是不道德的、需要克制的,是背德的。” 在她们的作品中,女性的身体如同这个世界一样充满矛盾。




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