Today, Get involved by Edgar Zhang

Branding Updates March 8 2024

Design Concept

DART Font 2023

HW DART Bold 2024

HW DART Regular 2024

HW DART Bold and Regular are an extension of DART Font. They shared the same direction of design, and their ratio was the same, in other words, they are from the same font family.

However, HW DART is way more readable than DART Font, it is used to inform, while DART Font is used for aesthetic and branding purposes. Compared to DART Font, HW DART had made compromises. They are also created in different ways: HW DART is started with vector mathematical formulas, while DART Font is designed with rasterized lines, then later on transferred into vector.

HW DART demonstrated how lines can be so beautifully curved, and cross each other to create this “imperfect“ handwriting style, that’s what HW stands for. “sketchiness“ and “minimalism“, all in one font.

You can check the full HW DART font below, and it’s free to use, please contact us to get the font file.

Branding Update

So What is this update exactly about?

At first, “Today, Get involved” was just an ad idea for DART, because we needed to recruit people, that’s all. Later on, we found that the theme was well received and we liked it too, at the time we were also thinking about making another font. We had come to the conclusion that we could turn this into something bigger. That’s how we made up our minds to create our first branding update.

As we all know, DART is a platform where we publish great works from people all over the world, this will not change, including the style and the design, nothing will be changed on DART.

Now “Today, Get involved” serves more like a theme on DART, we are using this theme to promote DART. But in the near future, this could turn into a subdivision of DART(because it’s so well-branded), which means they will be presenting different things, let me give you an example:

Because the slogan “Today, Get involved“ was so well received in Davis(DART’s Hometown), this brand can be used as a smaller platform focusing on local opportunities, publishing local artists and designers. The targeted audience and community are way different than DART but it can make up for what DART is missing. The focus is on the word “Involved“, this is something that DART doesn’t promote.

It is a fact that DART has to maintain the consistency of the works it publishes, we can’t accept works that are too different from each other, by that we mean something other than style. But we still want to do something local, something feels more “involved”, that’s the purpose of a subdivision,

This could happen in a few months, weeks, or maybe never. It really requires some research, If you are interested in working with us, contact us.

If we don’t launch this plan in the future or fail, then at least we have already created a great typeface project.


HW DART is designed for diverse user experience.

Adjust letter spacing to automatically create continous writing, just like the handwriting.

HW DART Regular and Bold have minor differences on some letters, this allows it to keep the feature while maintaining consistency in their own style.

As presented in the first line, most of the letters in Bold and Regular are designed using 2 vector curves, just like what we did to DART Font. As a matter of fact, these 2 curves are all orginally from DART Font, all abstracted from the letter “a“.

We also updated something new which is a new curve we presented in line 2, this also allows us to make this font “funnier“, it gives more life to this font.


“There’s no guarantee that this theme could turn into something more than this, but if you’re interested, you’re welcome to follow us on Instagram to see how this goes. And always, be the first to see our latest publications.

See you guys soon, and thanks for the support and interest in us. We’re DART, an Art&Design platform originated from Davis, California.”



Edgar Zhang


Date of Publish

March 8 2024